lördag, december 03, 2011


För någon månad sen, då jag upptäckte serien Skinned av Robin Wasserman, hittade jag även till hennes hemsida och blogg. I ett inlägg skrev Wasserman att hon skulle skänka bort flera olika utgåvor av hennes böcker. Jag blev överlycklig, eftersom biblioteket i min stad inte har den tredje och sista delen i serien.

Jag skickade ett mail under rubriken "Your loss, My greatest gain", där jag skrev detta:


Recently I found out about your books when I was looking for something to read in my english class.I absolutely loved Skinned, and continued with Crashed only a short time after. And I want to begin with the last book of the series - but the library of my city doesn't have it..!Which is why I became very excited when I read your latest blog post about you giving away your books, because that's a perfect opportunity for me to finally get to know the ending of your brilliant story.So, please, please, please, would you send me a copy if Wired? Or maybe all three of them so that my book shelf will be complete with one of my new favorite series?Greetings, Jonna in SwedenP.S. Thank you for being an amazing author!

Redan dagen efter fick jag svar, som löd såhär:

Hi Jonna,
Unfortunately, I've sent off all my copies of the books. I'm sorry your library doesn't have Wired! Maybe they can order it for you from a different library in the area? (Librarians love it when you ask them to do that kind of thing. They get all giggly and super helpful.)

Thanks for being an amazing reader -- I hope you can track down a copy somewhere, someday! (If nothing else, I'll hopefully be doing some kind of giveaway of the new editions in the next couple months, so you've got a shot at winning them...)

Jag blev lite besviken såklart, men ändå hur glad som helst att jag fick svar från henne! Hon gjorde även lite reklam för sin kommande bok:

One girl. One night. Centuries of secrets. 
Coming to a store near you in APRIL 2012!

Här kan ni läsa mer om handlingen.

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